品種名:Powderblue (パウダーブルー)(中譯:粉藍)
發表時間: 1978年(Tifblue與menditoo交配種)
樹型及特性:樹勢強.開張性.直立性. 樹型:小.豐產性. 抗病性佳
收 穫 期: 晚生種(各地不同,僅供參考)
甘味 : 多(BX平均15.8%) ,酸味 :中(PH:3.3),風味香氣:良
果蒂痕的大小、乾溼 :小.乾
建議授粉樹:Tifblue, ,Britewell
註1:另有一家日文網站提供的資料:樹高1.6m ,樹勢:強,作物產量:多,果實:硬 ,果實大小:13 -17m m(最大果18 -19m m),易於栽培,土壤適應性:有,暖地適應性:有。
Ripens mid season. Berries are very light blue in color, medium in size with good firmness and flavor. Plants have an upright, spreading growth habit and are an excellent choice for using in ornamental settings. Powderblue also is a good choice for commercial plantings. Suggested pollinators are Brightwell, Tifblue, and Ochlockonee. Chilling requirement is 550 to 600 hours. (2 year plant, bareroot)
- Chilling requirement: 550 hours to 600 hours.
- Ripening period: Ripens late June to late July in Southern Mississippi .
- Plant yield, vigor and growth habits: Plants are productive and have an upright, spreading growth habit.
- Berry qualities: Berries are medium size with a very light blue color, small dry stem scars, and average firmness and flavor. Fruit are less susceptible to cracking and hangs on the bush better than Tifblue.
- Harvesting techniques: Characteristics including appearance, quality, and season are sufficiently similar to Tifblue that Powderblue and Tifblue can be harvested together and used as pollinizers for each other. Other suggested pollinizers include Brightwell, Columbus, Ira and Oclockonee.
- Breeding history: Released jointly by North Carolina State University and the United States Department of Agriculture-ARS in 1978; public release
The Powderblue blueberry is a medium to large size fruit, lent its name by the waxy bloom on the skin of the berries. This highly productive rabbiteye variety is one of several- Tifblue and Brightwell being the others that we highly recommend for commercial and home plantings alike. Its high yield and low maintenance are qualities as attractive as its fruit.
Southern Type Blueberry - Late, large, powderblue fruit. Fine distinct taste. Height 5-6' in the North; 8-12' in the South.Space 6' circle in zone 6 &7 and 8' circle in zone 8. Powderblue is adaptable to different soil types and long lived. Powderblue-like leaves. Very ornamental. Ripens in late August in our area. Fruits can stay on the bush into the fall. Native Zones 6-9.
Powderblue (粉藍)是網路評價很好吃(甜中帶酸)的品種哦~~只可惜在我這邊今年開的花少(是磷下太少了??)..所以產量不佳~~另外前陣子葉子掉了很多~~最近才陸陸續續長了新葉~~不曉得跟這個有沒有關係~~